Thursday 10 September 2015

Professional Makeup Tips For Black Women. Looking for makeup tips for black women? Are you happy with your makeup look?

Professional Makeup Tips For Black Women

Looking for makeup tips for black women? Are you happy with your makeup look?

Do you even wear makeup any at all?

Makeup is fun and flattering when you know how to make it work for you. The key is to enhance the best and play down the rest.

I remember when I first started playing around with makeup like it was yesterday. I'm always amazed at how much it can transform a face and make you feel like a different person.

I ended up loving it so much I actually went to school to learn more!

That was 13 years ago and I still love makeup today as much as I ever did.

Here's a quick look at the tools, makeup tips for Black women and techniques for creating a gorgeous look starting with the makeup basics.

Foundation 101

Good foundation feels like second skin and never looks like a mask. Once you choose the right kind of foundation for your needs, proper application makes all the difference.

Learn how to choose and apply your foundation so no one can tell it's there. You'll be getting compliments on your "flawless skin" in no time.

Powder 101

If you have oily skin like I do, makeup powder is one of your best friends when it comes to creating a lasting makeup look.

Find out more about the different types of powder form makeup and which ones you should have to get the results you want.

Learn how to apply powder so it's light, natural looking and keeps you shine free all day.

Concealer 101

Everybody's got something to hide (and I'm not talking about skeletons in the closet!). Think about the times when you suffer from discoloration, acne or dark circles under your eyes.

There's nothing you can't disguise quickly and easily once you learn how to use concealer to cover imperfections completely.

Eye Makeup Tips For Black Women

The eyes are always the first to attract attention.

Are yours looking as alluring as they can?

With a steady hand and a few simple tools like liner, shadow and mascara, you can transform your eyes so they command admiring looks.

Take the time to learn the basic makeup tips for Black women for alluring eyes and then experiment to your hearts content.

Makeup Mistakes

If there's one thing that really irks me, it's when bad makeup happens to good people.

Never get caught with less than flattering makeup.

Avoid the most common makeup mistakes and always feel confident that you're putting your best face forward!

High End Makeup

If you want quality and results you can always count on there's nothing better than high end makeup.

Designed for deeper skin tones and the special needs that skin of color has, spending more for your makeup pays off in flawless application and finish every time.

Bargain Makeup

Who says you can't look fabulous without spending tons of money?

One of the best kept secrets of some of the most beautiful Black women in the world is that they get their staple makeup product at a budget concious price.

Learn more about the top picks for very affordable makeup options for Black women.

Makeup Color Guide

You should put the same care into choosing colors for your makeup as you would for painting your house or buying a new outfit.

The fact is that using the right colors for your skin tone takes a basic makeup look and enhances it dramatically.

Learn how to choose the best makeup colors to bring out the best in your features and have fun at the same time!

Essential Makeup Looks

There are endless possibilities when it comes to makeup looks and ideas. But no matter what, it's always good to have handful of fabulous tried and true makeup looks.

Learn several go-to makeup looks that look amazing for work, play and formal occasions.

Eyebrow 101

Your eyebrows are two of the most important parts of your entire finished makeup look.

The right brow shape frames your face, bring out your features and makes you look polished even if you don't do anything else.

Learn how to groom your eyebrows to perfection so they flatter your face and enhance your style.

Contouring 101

When you want to kick your makeup application up another notch or two, nothing is more effective than using highlight and shadow (aka contouring) to make it happen.

Transform your face for any special occasion and bring out your most beautiful features with ease.

Makeup Tips For Black Women by Skin Type

You skin type dictates the kind of cleanser, toner and moisturizer you use.

But did you know that to have the best results with your makeup application you need to take your skin type into consideration as well?

Find out about products and application tips to meet the needs of your specific skin type.

Makeup Tips For Black Women for Lips

Black Women are known for beautiful, full lips and they're usually one of our most outstanding facial features.

Get tips for creating the perfect pout with liners, lipsticks and glosses and how to keep your lips smooth and supple when you go for a no makeup fresh faced look.

Essential Makeup Tools

Whether its foundation, eye shadow, lip or cheek color, there's a brush for every kind of makeup.

Learn about makeup brushes and other essential tools, how to use them and which ones you must have in your makeup bag to get the best application results.

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