Monday 28 September 2015

How to properly straighten tight curls without poofiness?

BEAUTY Q & A: How do I properly straighten tight curls without poofiness?

Q: Hello Beauty Editor,
I recently did the big chop after 3 years of transitioning and I must confess that I am loving my new hair texture which I would say is in the ‘4’ category. I wear my hair in protective styles most of the time but there are times that I would love to wear my hair straight. I have tried numerous methods and products when it comes to straightening but my hair ends up a poofy mess by the following day and so I revert back to my twist out styles.
How can I get my hair properly straightened and how do I make it last for at least a week?

A: Hello Chioma,
I am glad that you love your new curly texture. However, it seems to me that your hair reacts badly to humidity when straightened, hence the poofiness. My advice is for you to try one of these 5 temporary straightening products for curly, coily and kinky girls that made our list while following the instructions carefully as they are designed to manage this problem. Please keep in mind that you may have to try more than one product on the list before finding one that is perfect for your hair type.
Also, I recently stumbled on @Downazzjawn’s Profile on Instagram (pictured above) who shares a similar texture as yours and she swears by these three products for achieving her sleek look.
1. Carol’s Daughter Chocolat Blowdry Cream
2.Elasta QP Curl Wax
3. Nexxus Heat Protectant Spray.

I hope this helps.

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