Monday 28 September 2015



There is no denying the fact that curly hair is beautiful and full of character, hence, it’s appreciation by many these days. What makes hair curly? Well, it’s simple! Genetics! Though some people invest in relaxers and straightening treatments to smoothen out their natural curly locs and make it more manageable, there are some who would rather wear their hair natural and avoid the damage that comes with these processes.
Types of Curly Hair
There are various types of curly hair, from springy hair types with elasticity to more rigid tightly curled types with lots of shrinkage. Related Article: Know Your Curly Hair Type.
Though hair care method is similar for all curly hair types, the tightly curled types require more TLC to retain length and grow as they are drier, less elastic, and more prone to breakage.
Do you have this hair type? Not to worry, here is a list of things that will ensure you retain length.
1. Keep Hair Moisturized:
It’s important to keep hair moisturized to ensure growth and retain hair length. Water is the major moisturizer for curly hair types. When combing through tightly curled hair, ensure you section out damp-wet hair before combing. Never comb hair dry!
During styling, using a spritzer to dampen hair infuse moisture ensures that you retain length.
2. Finger Combing and Detangling:
Finger combing hair is a gentler detangling tool and must be favored over the use of combs if you are looking to retain length. Not content with this? A wide tooth comb can also be used. (Always remember that this must be done on wet-damp hair.)
If you have already achieved substantial hair growth, invest in a Detangler for easier smoothening of coils and kinks when detangling.
3. Trimming:
Split-ends are the terrible for hair retention. Tightly curled hair is naturally frizzy and locating actual split -ends may prove a tad difficult. To solve this problem, ensure you get your hair professionally trimmed every 6-months, no sooner, as the goal is to retain length.
4. Leave-in:
Invest in a great leave in conditioner to restore elasticity and slip to the hair. It’s recommended that you always apply leave-in conditioner before styling your hair.
5. Natural Oils and Sealants:
Oils such as Jojoba, Coconut and Argan are great oils that penetrate into the hair, adding moisture. Use a combination of these oils with your leave-in to properly condition your locs.
Sealants on the other hand are products that lock in these moisture adding products and ensuring that benefits are retained. Some natural sealants include Shea butter, Olive Oil etc.
6. Deep Conditioning:
Hair comprises of a natural protein called Keratin which bonds the hair and gives it elasticity. Protein based Deep conditioners and Reconstructors as well as natural protein products eg. Eggs, Avocados etc are a great way to restore keratin levels and elasticity in the hair that may be stripped off due to styling.
Be careful not to over-do these treatments as too much protein can have a negative effect on the hair, making it too rigid and prone to easy breakage.
7. Supplements:
Many curly heads swear by the use of specialized supplements which contain Biotin, Omega 3’s, Folic acid and other vitamins and minerals to improve hair length and retention.
8. Protective Styling:
Choose low manipulation styles such as twist-outs, Bantu Knots, Braids, Weaves, ponytails and buns etc for length retention. Also minimize the use of blow dryers and flat irons because the excessive use of these lead to heat damage and can adversely affect length retention.
9. Satin Bonnet:
Always sleep with a silk or satin bonnet/ scarf if you are blessed with tightly curled natural hair as this helps retain moisture and reduce the friction causes breakage when hair comes in contact with bedding during sleep.

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