Friday 11 September 2015

Pornography and Cybersex Temptation

Pornography and Cybersex Temptation

Word "porn" on a fishing hook
Have you ever found yourself caught up at some level by pornography and cybersex temptation, or do you know of someone else who has this problem? Would you like to know more about it so you can better combat the hold it can have? Consider the following questions:
• “Does the Internet attract and make sex addicts out of people who otherwise might not have been addicts?”
• “We tend to think of this as a male problem. Are women at risk, too?”
• “…Our culture abuses us sexually by bombarding us with unhealthy sexual images. As a recovering addict, how do you deal with that?”
•”What would you say to someone who knows he or she has a pornography problem?”
Above are just four of many questions that Jim Killam asked Dr. Mark Laaser (an expert in the field of Cybersex and its destructive pull), as he interviewed him for an article, which appeared in Marriage Partnership Magazine.
The article also lists several sights that indicate you are “at risk for sex addiction” and then it gives “warning signs your spouse may have a secret cybersex problem.”It then points out “what to do if you suspect you are a sex addict.”
You can read what is discussed in the interview and additional information they give afterward, by clicking onto the web site link below:
K. Jason Krafsky has written a few articles on this subject that you may benefit from reading on his web site Marriage Please click onto the links provided below to read:
A radio broadcast series was put together by the ministry of Family Life Today with Dennis Rainey, where Mike and Jody Cleveland were interviewed on the subject of “Setting Captives Free”.
During this radio interview, Mike and Jody share his story of pornography addictions, with cybersex temptations with chat rooms on the Internet resulting in affairs and deception over a 15-year period of time. Mike explains how what seemed like a harmless pastime soon became an obsession so strong, only God could set him free.
To make the choice to listen or read the transcripts, please click onto the links below:
And then lastly, if you need help in reaching for “freedom in Christ” as it concerns pornography and the temptations that are continually trying to attach themselves to you, the following ministry is a good one that can help you:
May God help you and/or your loved one to find true freedom in Christ, and bless you abundantly. For Prayers/counseling, please call +2348033941952 

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